Don't Be Scared Of Mars
January 26, 2011 / /
Kevin and Fred discuss MARS again. It’s a hot topic in the short sale world.
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About the Authors

Kevin Kauffman & Fred Weaver
Kevin and Fred the founders of Group 46:10. Over the last 10 years Kevin and Fred, and their team have closed tens of millions in real estate all over the country and have created some of the best training for agents in the market. Kevin and Fred are also highly sought after teachers whose work has helped agents all over the country build their own next level real estate business.
Nice to see the couch has made a comeback.
We thought so too Larry.. The couch has been feeling left out.
Missed you yesterday. Good points, I have not charged an upfront fee but may in the future.
Right on guys it is not scary, it is no big deal for those doing business the right way just some new disclose disclose disclose items and move forward ops normal
Short Sales Uncensored was amazing. If they teach it again in Vegas you must attend!!! Thanks again Kevin and Fred!!!
Love you guys and can’t wait to see you in the Fredericksburg Area in March. I do like your out of the box thinking but after much legal review with our state the fact is clear that any upfront retainer fees on a short sale transaction does fall under the MARS Ruling. I believe that NAR has let us down. They should have put up a fight and protected our pocket books for legit business practice. You guys Rock but todays episode is a bit scary as I am the Principal Broker.
Hi Sherry – Thanks for your comment. The brokers in AZ disagree with that as a Real Estate agent ALWAYS has the right to charge a retainer for services.. (we do so on buyer brokers and with Equity Listings as well)…
I would challenge you to challenge the status quo in VA.
I completely agree on the HAFA classes. I am always an advocate for getting as much training as possible, but it needs to be training that you can actually impact your business. It is interesting to see how many agents get “HAFA Certified”, and then come to me to ask how the HAFA program works.
I am curious as to what is taught in many of these classes. I haven’t taken any formal certification courses for short sales. I think in this side of the business, there is no better training than out in the field doing it. I can also truly say that your Short Sales Uncensored class was the best Advanced Level training for short sales I have been to. If you do another class in Vegas, I am sure my team will go.
Thanks guys!
Guys.. is this MARS ruling only something that was done in AZ? Our TX attorneys have still cleared us for up front fees here. Just curious since i googled it and believe it or not.. could not really find much of anything about the “mars”.. 😉
Get to Vegas guys! I went to the Uncensored class in Scottsdale and would gladly pay to go again if you guys came to Vegas, make it happen!
Im There Hit me up with a date, Been along time with no date and Vegas could be just what the Doc. ordered………..
Vegas means we will be there!!
I’ll make Vegas. My Tuesday had a hole in it. 🙁
Thanks Guys!! I was hoping you would address MARS. Both MARS episodes were a great help.
Fred – no texting or tweeting while driving 🙂 They say it is equivalent to driving with 8 drinks in your system or far worse than talking on your phone.
In CA I don’t believe we can charge any fee to a short sale seller no matter how you try to word it. We’ve got all kinds of crazy rules that almost make it impossible to help owners in trouble.
See you in Seattle.
Good work closing M. Wortley!!
Keep Crushing it
I would attend a class in Las Vegas with my team, so do it!
Vegas, YES!