Ignore Bank Guidelines About Short Sale Commissions
Kevin and Fred close up the week with another episode of F’ed Up Friday and a story about negotiating commissions to create a win-win situation for the home owner and the lender.
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About the Authors

Kevin Kauffman & Fred Weaver
Kevin and Fred the founders of Group 46:10. Over the last 10 years Kevin and Fred, and their team have closed tens of millions in real estate all over the country and have created some of the best training for agents in the market. Kevin and Fred are also highly sought after teachers whose work has helped agents all over the country build their own next level real estate business.
Hey Guys, Ya’all keep forgetting to add “charming” when you describe yourselves. Great episode as usual – appreciate hearing how you handle the commission “challenge”. And this barefoot virtual r/e assistant would love a pair of Group 46:10 flip flops!!! Love ya guys and love SSPH!!
What an awesome week on content..Thanks guys!!!
Sharing your experiences has a great effect on our “outback” thinking.
Not just good content, GREAT content. I love you guys and if I get the flip flops they are going to my assistant, the best one in the world!
4-Hour Work Week & Outback Philosophy!
“outside of law and science(coach would challenge law too), all rules(or guidelines) are made to be bent or broken”
“The common sense rules(guidelines) of the real world are nothing more than FRAGILE(Stupid) collections of socially re-inforced illusions(BS rule following with no empowered thought).”
GREAT VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS…San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego!
Free flip flops whoo hoo!
Commission, approval, no matter what, its about being prepared with the facts and being able to present a case supported by those facts- doing your detective work up front pays in the end- thanks for the great info-
Great stuff guys! Flip Flops!!! i love your logo!!
I agree and like the language you used to approach the negotiator. I’m sure I’ll be using it this week with Citi-mortgage shortly. God content as always just keep your toes to yourself. we learned that in Kindergarten boys…
Hey guys,
This is a great video about how to defy so called “guidelines”. The bank is going to push on commission because they know most agent’s fold as soon as they feel pressure, but never will commission be the ultimate straw that breaks the camel’s back for the bank! If you are worth it, charge it and go fight for it!
Jill Rother
The Phoenix Team
Awesome! Way to call their bluff.
San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego
So glad you guys are there to help us out in the trenches!
Hello…did you guys get my last comment?
Okay, apparently not. Well, let me say that you guys are a true inspiration to short sales, and I’m not just saying that to get a pair of flip flops:)
I have followed you guys in the past few months since first seeing your “Outback Mind Set” on Active Rain and I just loved it! You give me the confidence to pursue banks in ways I never thought possible and get results every time! I love the daily videos post and I will continue to be a fan as long as you and your group continue to inspire agents like me! Thanks for the great message today and everyday! Group 46:10 knows how to CRUSH IT!!!
Thank you Monika! =)
As always…great words of wisdom from the kings of short sales!! Thanks for empowering us to take control of the negotiation process! You can just hand deliver my flip flops to me in Austin at Mega Camp!! 😉
Crush iiiittttt!
Great show, looking forward to getting my new flip flops size 7 ladies.
I have a deal just like the one you talked about going on as i write. She/negociator won’t give me investors name or VP name. How can i find out who it is. She is saying that they will give me the net just like you mentioned. It is Chase
Thanks guys for the great week.
live drawing for the flops on shortsalepowerhour.com? Given that Kevin already has two posts on today’s blog, his odds of winning have increased. So, a live drawing would legitimize the process…not that I don’t TRUST two guys that play footsie (footsy?)
To increase my chances of winning, i would support two drawing for one flip flop each. One drawing for the pair ASSUMES that all views have two feet.
The information regarding commission negotiations is great to learn … sharing your knowledge and expertise is appreciated as we all move through this short sale maze powerfully with a win win attitude…. Thank You!!!!
Great shows this week!
You guys ever try out the remote for the Zi8?
Great video… funny intro!
@ Julie Cosgrove: Coach here….HOW is the wrong question…it kills your creativity cause it brings in logical, and finite answers to the table.
You are as capable to create a solution, and a good one, as any of us. My suggestion… consider a right brain question like…. WHAT might I do to find the name of the person that I need to talk with? Who might I call next? Am I determined to NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER? If so, I’ve already WON!
Go get em’ girl!
@ Dustin : The outback mindset says that RULES and PERCEPTIONS are made to be broken, or at least bent to your will. My suggestion is to CRUSH Group 4610 with emails and facebook entries, and posts until they are like a lender, just buckling to the pressure. If you are the only PERSON/AGENT that they can think of, guess who gets the sandals! 🙂
Just a little personal insight. Do your thing bro!
I wanna play footsie!! With flops of course…
I wish all Agents across the nation would hold a formal STRIKE against commission reduction.
What if we simply just say “It’s against my Brokers guidelines to accept anything lower then 7% commission on Short Sales but he said he’s willing to do 6% just this time in order to close this file.”
I wonder what the water cooler conversation about that one would sound like?