Legal Advice From Lawyers, Short Sale Advice From Realtors
http://kevinandfred.com/power-hour/brian-gubernick/ From Short Sale Pictures, Brian Gubernick stars as a faux Trent Chapman with a bone to pick. Murray the attorney leads little Mary teacher down a dark path. Sensing something is wrong, Gubernick springs into action. Will he, with his faithful sidekicks DareKEVIN The InFREDible Hulk be able to save the homeowners? In Theatres NOW! (This film is not yet rated)
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About the Authors

Kevin Kauffman & Fred Weaver
Kevin and Fred the founders of Group 46:10. Over the last 10 years Kevin and Fred, and their team have closed tens of millions in real estate all over the country and have created some of the best training for agents in the market. Kevin and Fred are also highly sought after teachers whose work has helped agents all over the country build their own next level real estate business.
Fred and Kevin,
Since we are licensed in the State of Arizona, our license gives us the right to write legally binding contracts and actually makes us attornies in fact on all of our real estate transactions. Look into this, we do have some clout on real estate matters, Attornies do not like the idea that we have this right. These are things they can charge fro and we are taking money out of their pocket.
Just another point for discussion
Charles Duck
The Nick Jonas picture?!? Really?
Did you “read the picture” from left to right. It was more than just a Nick Jonas picture…
The attorney’s need to be held responsible for the advice to our clients. I had a completely approved short sale with no deficiency, cash, or note. My client took it to their so called “attorney” who told them to foreclosure. I talked to him on the phone and he had no clue about foreclosure or Arizona anti-deficiency laws. However, I couldn’t advise my clients over his decision. So, we cancelled the short sale and let the home go to foreclosure. 2 weeks later this attorney called my clients back and said he was wrong and should proceed with the short sale! Can you believe that? He sent my clients to foreclosure when I could have saved them. Then, he turned around and said he was wrong. Terrible!
Good job on calling out these attorneys guys! Some nerve Murray has telling Brian, excuse me….Trent, that he is only worried about his commission. What a piece of work! The difference between us and these attorneys is that if a single mother with no funds walks into one of our offices and asks for help we will gladly give it, negotiate a discounted payoff from her mortgage company and get any deficiency released, and if we do our job we get paid by the bank and we are happy with that. If that same single mom with no funds walks into Murray’s office she will be turned away because she can’t pay the 3k up front charge that Murray has.
I too have been told by an attorney that I am greedy and all I care about is my commission. Funny thing is, on this particular transaction I had structured the deal where there was enough money that could be paid through escrow to the attorney’s office that would equal the amount that my client had already paid them up front, I called in several times and spoke the secretary trying to get the attorney to call me so that I could find out if I was able to get him paid through escrow, would he refund the money that our mutual client had already paid him. The guy would never call me back so I had my client call him directly, he then proceeded to tell my client that I am greedy and all I care about is my commission! Wow! All I was trying to do was get my client his money back and the attorney is calling me greedy!
Keep up the great work guys!