Who is Kevin and Fred ?

Kevin Kauffman and Fred Weaver are the co-founders of one of the nation’s most successful real estate teams and companies, Group 46:10 Network. Founded in 2008, Group 46:10 Network is a training-focused, fast-paced, technology-driven real estate company selling houses throughout Arizona, Colorado, Tennessee, Nevada and California – national presence, local expertise!

Group 46:10 Network has been acknowledged as one of the top 250 real estate teams in the nation, year after year, and has been recognized by publications such as The Wall Street Journal and Real Trends. While the average real estate agent sells around 6 houses per year, Group 46:10 Network has a group of specialists who sell more than one house a day, ranking them in the top 1% of all real estate agents in the United States!

The tremendous success of Group 46:10 Network is rooted in the belief that a specialist should handle each aspect of the real estate transaction. This means someone who knows the real estate process intimately is available to help clients throughout every step of the real estate sale or purchase, ensuring every detail is handled properly.

Group 46:10 Network has specialists who work with home buyers and home sellers, tailoring their efforts to every clients’ unique situation. Combined, Group 46:10 Network has accrued decades of experience in the residential real estate business; it is this experience that helps them out-perform, out-execute and out-work the competition.

What does Group 46:10 stand for?

Group 46:10 is the unique name of our real estate team. The name is derived from a scripture in the Old Testament, Isaiah 46:10. This scripture reads. . .

“I (God) make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.”

To us, this scripture summarizes one of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, “Thinking with the End in Mind.” At Group 46:10 our mission is to meet, handle, and exceed “All Your Real Estate Needs from Beginning to End.”


To produce extraordinary results, influence people, and impact lives.


To build a business that manages itself through systems, processes, and people.


Creativity, honesty, integrity, passion, abundance, understanding, acceptance, love, spirit-led, purposeful, and intentional.


God, Family, Business




  1. Meet The Megas – Fred Kauffman on March 23, 2012 at 4:59 am

    […] Kevin is proud to announce his newest Venture – http://KevinandFred.com […]

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