Amazing Short Seller Designation – Get it Today!
Our short sale specialists, Kevin Kauffman and Fred Weaver decide to start their own short sale certification – Amazing Short Seller.
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Get instant access to our online masterclass to learn the simple steps.
About the Authors

Kevin Kauffman & Fred Weaver
Kevin and Fred the founders of Group 46:10. Over the last 10 years Kevin and Fred, and their team have closed tens of millions in real estate all over the country and have created some of the best training for agents in the market. Kevin and Fred are also highly sought after teachers whose work has helped agents all over the country build their own next level real estate business.
I want one, do I qualify?
You guys forgot to mention that Lee Honish came up with that designation last year and Fernando Zanatta with Short Sale Genius created that logo last year as well.
I totally get what you are saying! I thrived on short sales last year and did not have a designation. Now I feel I am forced to pay $400 to get one so I can compete with the “Experts” that haven’t completed 1 short sale transaction. And I am confident some of the information taught is outdated.
lol boys…the train has left the station.
Who is Lee Honish?
Who is lee honish? — picture a midget alternately vommitting offensive remarks and ingenious information for all of eternity. Now take that midget and punch him in the face a few times and then grant him a grand sense of self importance. POOF! You just recreated Lee honish
…as well as the creator of most of the content regarding Escalations that you have ever heard. Those who have weak stomachs can’t see through his personality and get what he is teaching. Kevin and Fred get it. They teach it in a more PC way (most of the time : )
P.S. I’ve never seen a 6’2″ midget.
He invented the wheel and anyone who gets that, gets him…
6’2″? big midget
Soooo funny! just love midgets. Midget wrestling, midgets dancing…midgets dispensing genius information…etc etc
You guys are toooooo much!!! GREAT IDEA!
Again I say, I have gotten a 4-letter designation. It gave me a lot of information and helped set a foundation fo rmy short sale business. But everyday as I undertake a new SS Listing or work with a lender or work with a buyers agent or work the deal with a 1st and a 2nd I learn that what I learned was only that, a foundation! I am NOT an “expert” and I do not expect to be an “expert” for quite some time!
Every deal is different! Every lender is different! Every seller is different! EVERY DEAL IS AN EDUCATION!!
So whether it’s a 4-letter, 3-letter or 56-letter designation…it’s all about the education for me!
It’s about giving me the knowledge to help homeowners!
It’s about giving myself the edge over my competition!
It’s about making a difference!
Nuff said!
Have a GREAT trip!!
oh, almost forgot…..I’m in for the A.S.S. designation!!
Love you guys! I have spent the last 10 days or so watching all your power hours. I did the NAR short sale certification education first, then the shift download book on short sales from KW.com and after I exhaust viewing the free resources I have I am going to spend the money and on your system. The NAR short sale certification education part was about $100, the application fee is $175. I don’t even see the benefit of paying the application fee. I just wanted the education to better help my clients. Thank you! You guys are THE BEST!!