Rick Geha Talks About Being A Better You
August 16, 2010 / /
Rick Geha spends a little time talking about lead generation in the real estate business and being a better you.
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About the Authors

Kevin Kauffman & Fred Weaver
Kevin and Fred the founders of Group 46:10. Over the last 10 years Kevin and Fred, and their team have closed tens of millions in real estate all over the country and have created some of the best training for agents in the market. Kevin and Fred are also highly sought after teachers whose work has helped agents all over the country build their own next level real estate business.
the gap between the people who know what to do and the people who actually DO is amazing…
I will take car of me….. for you
Rick Geha rocks!!!
Rich should absolutely do a video blog at least 1 time per week. I would subscribe in a heart beat!
I start everyday reading and watching blogs that I know will inform and inspire me. I would love to add Rich to my morning routine!
Thanks guys
Big fan of Rick.
I love Rich Geha, saw him in Phoenix and can not wait til he comes back. He rocks at speaking and I would love to watch his videos as often as he would create them. Once a week should be the minimum. I am a fan for life Rich, I even sent him business three days after I met him, he is motivational and uplifting, the best ideas and delivery of those ideas I have ever seen. Rich, keep doing what your doing and if you can fit it in your busy schedule, I will watch all your videos. You are sooo cool man, look good, etc. Love what your doing for the business. I am glad I know you, Sincerely Mary
Rick, I challenge you to do one video blog per week. You talked about being in this business to help others. A weekly video blog from you would be a GREAT way to help others learn real estate tips from one of the best in the industry.
Yes, yes, yes.
More Rick!
What an inspiration! Thanks for pushing Rick to do a weekly video blog – that would be great!!
Thank you guys for another great episode and for the Crush It Seminar last Friday, GREAT STUFF! Rick, I will absolutely be a committed viewer of your video blog, please make it happen.
Love you Rick – Thanks for the reminder. Can’t wait to get your blog going .
Rick is a dynamic speaker and you can see the passion in his eyes when he’s speaking. He “gets it” and wants others to know that feeling. Keep it coming guys. Great job!
I have had the pleasure of meeting Rick a couple of times. Rick Geha is the type of person that you can not seem to get enough of. I love Rick’s no nonsense straight foreword aproach to things while still coming from a place of wanting to help. In closing a Rick Geha video blog would be just as valuable to my business as SSPH is. Rick I officially challange you to take this on!
Keith Kauffman
Great webisode!!Rick has already agreed to come to Phoenix and speak while teaching Buyer Mastery, a fabulous Keller Williams Univesity Course, in mid October at our Keller Williams Arizona Realty-Tempe Market Center 3920 s rural road. We will keep you all posted!!!
Thank you, Fred and Kevin, for SSPH Your Friend and Team Leader,
Steph Martini
Loved the content. Now I really want to go to the Rocky Mountain Summit and see him
Rick NEVER disappoints!!! One of my favorite mindset Mondays. I’m always trying to make myself better and it’s amazing how surrounding yourself with people who push you and help make you better can make the world of a difference.
Rick should start his blog. He can call it.
Rickgeha-iamtheman.com 🙂
Very empowering talk. It puts me back into perspective. Its good, something I need to hear. it gets me ready and going and back on track to where i know i will be heading. Thanks
did I heard you correct on one of your videos that in equator you don’t enter certain information? Like on the Financial Information Statement?
Not sure I follow the question Ron – send us a message through the contact us part of the website and clarify it if you could. Thanks!
I have heard Rick Geha in Massachusetts a few years and again at Family Reunion in 2/10. He was great to listen to as usual. He fills my mind with inspiration & ability to know that I can do anything I set out to do. I like it when you say, you don’t need to necessarily sell real estate to someone, but, giving them information, being happy is something that clients appreciate and never forget, and you are right, they will send leads your way just for giving them free information.
Thank you.
Thanks -I saw Rick when he was here in Atlanta, and I attended his 3 hours workshop. Loved him.
PS. Love your book with your pictures for $46.10 – Short Sale Financial Pack – I noticed a typo on the ad – Seller “expection” Doc – I assume that it should be Seller “Expectation” Doc
Rick is the man, we went out for a beverage before I came to KW and it was a blast. He knows so much and truly cares about people!
YESSSSSSSSS! Rick on a weekly basis! LOVE the IDEA!
Thanks guys!
Rick definitely needs to do at least one video blog per week. He has a lot of knowledge to share and this is an excellent way to develop a greater # of followers!!! What is he waiting for?
I would enjoy seeing and hearing more from Rick. Good insight necessary for real estate growth.
I’m a day late so it’s mindset Tuesday for me! I have been a fan of the Geha for the 5 1/2 yrs at KW. I have attended everything he has had in our region of Marryland and I never miss his Family Reunion classes. YES- video blog me Rick, and I will be in attendance!
I loved this video! (I am a big fan of all of the videos though)
My Vote: Definately would love to see Rick here on a weekly basis! 🙂
This is an AWESOME video. I particularly like the end about removing yourself from the equation and the impact it will have on your business. Too many agents put their own best interest first and wonder why they aren’t seeing the results they desire. I truly believe that if you put your clients first and operate that way every day, the results will exceed your expectations and you will flourish.
Loved it, loved it. I grew up in Rick’s hometown and can’t get enough of him. Thanks boyz for bringing him on.
Thanks Rick for being an example of how to give.
I just wanted to post that there is definitely one thing that Rick mentioned in the video that stands out in my mind all of the time. It is when he stated that you need to basically step outside of your comfort zone to get where you want to be, basically doing what needs to be done no matter how uncomfortable it may be. This is something I think we all need to work constantly throughout our business careers.
Great advice!
We are waiting for your blog Rick. You have great information and inspiration for us. Keep it coming!
Thank you Rick!
Great video. I am wondering if Rick is going to Mega Camp in Austin. I am not with Keller williams, but just got invited. I would love to see more of him. 🙂
Jimmy Chickey
Great video! Saw Rick at this year’s Family Reunion, fantastic! Attended your Short Sale Mastery class in Tampa yesterday. It was great! Thanks, Joe Elmer