Short Sale Certifications aren't Experience
Short Sale Specialist, Coach Collard and Fred Weaver (with special cameo by Kevin Kauffman) wax philosophical about short sale certifications.
Don’t mistake certifications for experience.
Special NOTE: Group 46:10 is 100% for education! This isn’t a anti-education video. It is a pro-experience video.
Side NOTE: http://www.facebook.com/BodyForLifeAZ
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About the Authors

Kevin Kauffman & Fred Weaver
Kevin and Fred the founders of Group 46:10. Over the last 10 years Kevin and Fred, and their team have closed tens of millions in real estate all over the country and have created some of the best training for agents in the market. Kevin and Fred are also highly sought after teachers whose work has helped agents all over the country build their own next level real estate business.
Amen guys! Very true, closing 5 short sales is better than any education one can receive from a designation.
Also, good sermon today!
Coach was looking like he was on WWE!
I have the CDPE certification and I TOTALLY AGREE with you guys! The education from them was great and very helpful but NOTHING replaces the experience (frustration) of live transactions! I am all about education as well, that is why I attended all of your sessions at Fam Reunion. That’s why I watch SSPH everyday!
Thank you for this video and for the Christ analogy.
I laugh inside when buyers agents ask me if I am CDPE because I’ve dealt with plenty of knuckleheads that have the certification and are clueless. I tell the agent I don’t have the certification but am 100 times more effective than almost all of those who do have it.
I just watched your shortsalepowerhour.com and couldn’t agree with you more. I also have the certification “however” during the class the teacher for the board was a “teacher” good, yes, however, you could tell “never did one” I’ve done them back in the 80’s when they didn’t have a name… most often referred to as “short pay” then… over the past three years I’ve done many. EXPERIENCE as with anything is “key” I chuckle when buyer’s agent call me, express they are “experts” (a term used way too freely) and the questions they’ll ask me is scary because it totally contradicts there claim. I enjoy doing them and the successful results when completed… A GREAT feeling. Keep up the good work… Holly
I’m happy to hear that you are not anti-education. I do a lot of educational programs. The combination of education and experience is where it is at. The SFR and CDPE classes are awesome – a great foundation to build your experience upon. You three are doing an amazing job in offering education based upon your vast experience. Thank you for that.
Great video…. classes are great but you have to combine it with experience! Nothing beats “doing it”!
Thanks again guys! You keep me motivated to CRUSH IT!!! I got SFR Certified, attended your seminar in Modesto (which I learned more at than I did getting my SFR) and am thinking about getting the CDPE, but is it worth $$$. I am in negotiations with the 2nd on my 1st SS Listing and LOVING it! I agree that sometimes we think we can “Buy our way to success” through education or marketing, but the only way to build my reputation and knowledge is to roll up my sleves and “just do it”. Do you have any thoughts on the CDPE Certification? Keep up the good work, and thanks for the daily dose of encouragement.