Bank Of America Escalations Hour 03/05/10
March 5, 2010 / /
http://shortsalepowerhour.com Kevin and Fred of Group 46:10, Arizona’s Premier Short Sale Team get way fired up today with some escalation letters they actually wrote and sent of to the lenders..
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About the Authors

Kevin Kauffman & Fred Weaver
Kevin and Fred the founders of Group 46:10. Over the last 10 years Kevin and Fred, and their team have closed tens of millions in real estate all over the country and have created some of the best training for agents in the market. Kevin and Fred are also highly sought after teachers whose work has helped agents all over the country build their own next level real estate business.
Hey BofA and Chase, when you watch this video, maybe you will realize that you need these guys to train your short sale departments. Why would the bank NOT want aggressive, passionate and hard working agents on their side? We are all after the same goal, to sell the property for as much as we can and to mitigate the loss for a little as we can. We are not the enemy, believe it or not, we know a thing or two about real estate, let us sell it, and you worry about lending money.
Fred and Kevin, you know that I will fly to the HQ’s of the banks with you if you can set up a meeting! Keep up the great work.
Great video.
Thank you guys for once again giving some light on the situation that we are facing in a daily basis!Ilook forward to watching you everyday! You guys are great!
I feel your frustration. It is a sad commentary that successful agents like yourselves running into these kind of problems with BOA & Chase. Especially when what is presented to them is a “no brainer”. I’m tired of being treated as “the enemy”. I have a “guardian” personality and it breaks my heart to see good people – sellers & buyers — have to deal with this bull crap!!! I want to protect them and help them but they don’t understand what we are dealing with and that it’s not our fault for the delay. I’m very diligent on my files-we need the lenders to be diligent as well! Things must change!! And I appreciate that you guys are so vocal about it — I believe that with your VOICES – there will be change. Keep up the good work guys!
Dear Bank of America and Chase Bank – ((aka… Goliath’s that will fall!))
Your decision making on managing your people and processes is INEFFECTIVE and UNHELPFUL at BEST!
Please get off your lazy butts, and do something legitimate, like actually engage a file with a decision. You all are more committed to INEFFECTIVE AND UNHELPFUL procedures that don’t work than you are to actually making money and helping your business stay in business. Signals show that you are heading down the path of FANNIE MAE which lost $4billion in last quarter of 09′. What in the world are you doing?
I’m officially putting my name in the ‘hat’ and sending it to the OBAMA administration, so when they SHUT you guys down for IRRESPONSBILE BUSINESS practices, I’ll be the 1st they think of to run the company into profit.
Somebody like myself, or Fred or Kevin, could come into your business and blanket approve short sales within 30 days, and completely CLEAR your books within 6 months. I know it would have a sweeping effect, but it would be REVENUE, and we could start lending again, and we’d cut our employee budget probably in 1/2, and well, it would just be better in general!
WOW…..I loved it all!!!! you guys are the best in this industry and the banks need to realize that your skills are far above the banks!!!
Here’s a thought… BofA and Chase could “work together” to accomplish a system that better served the nation! Call Wells Fargo, call Citibank, I don’t really care who they talk to about it, but Fred and Kevin are RIGHT so far this is a joke! IT’s scary that the brains we have managing the very infrastructure of our financial institutions, can not decipher information we are handing to them on a silver platter…get it together!
You guys rock!! I have been watching you two for a couple months now and your attitude helps us close all of our short sale transactions and gives us the fuel to help other agents in our office! Thanks so much guys!
Spot on video. I have been working on a short sale with BofA for 15 months. A great offer but they just will not cooperate. We are getting all the usual “reasons”, as I’m sure you have heard the same. I have to say that B of A does not do short sales. My stories of this bank could fill volumes.
I feel my favorite water cooler rant coming on. NO…. NO… I shall resist poisoning everyone else with detailed examples of B of A’s incompetence. We ALL know they truly do sucketh.
One thought ran through my mind over and over again while I was watching this segment. It was this: I shouldn’t be watching this negativity, which I TOTALLY agree with. My Senator and Congressman SHOULD be watching it. If the powers that be at these major TARP beneficiaries are not serving the public WHO BAILED THEIR GREEDY TUCCUSES OUT. Then our elected officials need to be aware.
ShortSalePowerHour is a perfect, entertaining, informative way for politicians (read: “their assistants”) to learn about what is happening in the trenches of distressed property remediation.
Is also have a short sale with BofA going on 15 months. It is incredible what i have gone thru. more amazing that my 3rd buyer has stayed in for 12 plus months.
Then just as i believe we have got a deal, the negotiators senior supervisor goes AWOL!
BofA this is just not any good to anyone.
I will certainly NOT show a BofA short sale, I will not list a BofA shortsale until i hear it is improving, and that is pretty much the feeling with the population of Realtors in Madison wi
Since I do not forsee that atomic energy is to be a great boon for a long time, I have to say that for the present it is a menace. Perhaps it is well that it should be. It may intimidate the human race into bringing order into its international affairs, which, without the presence of fear, it would not do. — Albert Einstein
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