F'd Up Friday with Trent Chapman – Short Sale Power Hour
February 26, 2010 / /
http://shortsalepowerhour.com Kevin of Group 46:10, Arizona’s Premier Short Sale Team is joined by Trent Chapman of Short Sale Genius as he shares an Fd up forgettable moment.
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About the Authors

Kevin Kauffman & Fred Weaver
Kevin and Fred the founders of Group 46:10. Over the last 10 years Kevin and Fred, and their team have closed tens of millions in real estate all over the country and have created some of the best training for agents in the market. Kevin and Fred are also highly sought after teachers whose work has helped agents all over the country build their own next level real estate business.
You guys make my day! Thank you so much for making me laugh every morning when most times I want to cry- I heard about your shortsale power hour at family reunion and youll never know how many agents lives you are changing by “keepin it real”! LOVE YOU GUYS- KEEP EM COMING!!!
Great episode today!! Thanks Trent
Amiee – Thank you so much. Group 46:10’s mission is to “create extraordinary results, influence people, and impact lives” When we see comments like yours we know were getting it done! =)
That was one of the best episodes yet! I hope people understand what was given to them today. Plus it was pretty funny watching Kevin mess with Trent.
Thanks Boys!!
I have a request, please start every “F’d” up Friday episode with that opening pose & er…Fred, the knee slap made me uncomfy as well 🙂 lol
Great episode, I echo everyone’s sentiments above – thank you thank you thank you for making us laugh, giving us “power”! Yesterday’s episode was awesome as well!
You all are too damn funny! Thanks for the great information and keep it coming!
Get that guy off the stage. What a goof ball, he couldn’t even get the clap right.
Great information. Actually i wanted to thank you both for the absolutely incredible Short sale class at Family Reunion. Honestly the stuff thast you are sharing with your fellow agents is stuff that i would never get with just life experience. TThere is no other company who would share like KW, and you two are great examples. Entertaining too!!
LOVE all the positive feedback today! Thanks for watching everyone and more importantly thanks for the very thoughtful and kind remarks.
More crushing information coming your way on Monday 🙂
Another awesome episode. Love how Fred got a little too close with the hands on the knees.
BTW, am I the only one who thinks Trent is a cutie?
Keep up the good work fellas!
Jigsaw.com, is that how you find an investor contact? I’ve got a Wells first where apparently BofA is the investor. Wells appears to have no interest in saving BofA some money – so how do I find the BofA investor contact?
And yes, I watched another old episode, but newer than this one, where Fred said go find the Trent Chapman episode where he shares how to find contacts. And here it is everyone!!!
But seriously, I’m unfamiliar with what department you would find the “investor”?
Rob – You have to do what we call “Play detective” – Ask questions.. keep asking questions.. call the lender until you get the info you need.
It’s the second time when i’ve seen your site. I can gather lots of hard work has gone in to it. It’s actually wonderful.