Foreclosures Will Resume Again

Kevin and Fred discuss the very latest news regarding foreclosure moratoriums and other short sale related news


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Kevin and Fred the founders of Group 46:10. Over the last 10 years Kevin and Fred, and their team have closed tens of millions in real estate all over the country and have created some of the best training for agents in the market. Kevin and Fred are also highly sought after teachers whose work has helped agents all over the country build their own next level real estate business.


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About the Authors


Kevin Kauffman & Fred Weaver

Kevin and Fred the founders of Group 46:10. Over the last 10 years Kevin and Fred, and their team have closed tens of millions in real estate all over the country and have created some of the best training for agents in the market. Kevin and Fred are also highly sought after teachers whose work has helped agents all over the country build their own next level real estate business.

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Reader Comments


  1. Jim on October 20, 2010 at 4:24 am

    DOH! I guessed 450!! You guys are soooo right…you haven’t paid in a year+…you should lose the house. Mainly because you DID NOT CALL AN AGENT FOR HELP! Or you didn’t get the paperwork back to me because it was just too hard to gather it together in time! WHAT?!?! Take one day, get your stuff together and get it to me so I can save you from the big “F”. I am only trying to help!! LET ME HELP YOU! HELP ME-HELP YOU!! It’s enough to drive you nutts. Good thing I love what I do!
    Oh and I haven’t said it to you guys in awhile…..CRUUUUUUUUSH IT!! THANX!

    • Kevin on October 20, 2010 at 7:06 am

      Exactly Jim! Have a great day buddy

  2. Dustin on October 20, 2010 at 7:14 am

    I watched this entire video 11 times and I guessed wrong EVERY time.

    • Fred Weaver on October 20, 2010 at 7:19 am

      LOL – Dustin. You crack me up!

  3. Saul Carter on October 20, 2010 at 7:57 am

    Three new listings this past week that the owners have not made payment for more than 14 months in each case. The 448 number is not a surprise. These folks had done nothing until they contacted me.

  4. Mark Peek on October 20, 2010 at 8:42 am

    According to LPS, its up to 469 days and growing.

  5. Tony Baroni on October 20, 2010 at 11:25 am

    Awesome stuff. 448 Days is nuts but so true here in FL

  6. lj on October 20, 2010 at 3:18 pm

    The banks are telling people you can not get a mod until you are 3 months behind.

    People do try to work with the banks months before they miss a payment, when they know they are going to get laid off
    or for other reasons. The banks wont work with anyone until they miss 3-4 payments.

    • Fred Weaver on October 20, 2010 at 6:58 pm

      Don’t believe everything you hear LJ. While banks (or let’s be specific – some bank employees) tell people that, it’s not the case. Banks do work with people.

      Now, having said all that, let’s be clear that banks suck at loan mods and loan mods don’t work for 70+% of the people that actually get approved (let alone the people that don’t get approved).

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