HAFA is NOT Your Savior – Be a Giant Slayer – 04/14/10
April 14, 2010 / /
Kevin Kauffman, Short Sale Specialist, and “The Coach” – Coach Collard – chat about HAFA.
HAFA isn’t your savior. HAFA is a joke.
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About the Authors

Kevin Kauffman & Fred Weaver
Kevin and Fred the founders of Group 46:10. Over the last 10 years Kevin and Fred, and their team have closed tens of millions in real estate all over the country and have created some of the best training for agents in the market. Kevin and Fred are also highly sought after teachers whose work has helped agents all over the country build their own next level real estate business.
It’s not easy to “own” the short sale but it’s the only way to serve our clients … the homeowners. Remember, we do NOT work for the banks!
Thanks for the nod to Vegas! We had a great day of training on 4/9 and after months of following their daily videos I was thrilled to actually meet Kevin, Coach Collard, and even Fred. 🙂
If you get a chance to attend their training class jump at it.
(Sorry Fred, Kevin started it!!) 🙂
Wow! Love today’s picture 🙂
Also, great camera work today if I might say it myself. Love the background!
Yeah.. HAFA is not the saviour. And it only applies to a few people. But are you guys telling me that 7000 grand thrown into the deal that does not come out of your commission, the buyer, the seller, or the lender… and 3000 grand in the pocket of the seller is not going to swing a few deals into the close category???
Come on guys…
Also, Coach, in my opinion.. lose the Biblical crap. Is this about short sales or about your religion??
It is going to turn off a bunch of people… like me.
Check yourself before you state things like that. You’re only turned off by the biblical references because they represent ‘truth’, and if it turns you off, it’s because you are looking to be offended. I can’t help you there. Short sales are represented without security over 2000 years ago in Luke 16, and it’s about grace, and moving forward. That’s what most of our clients deal with, so that’s what I’m going to talk about.
Meanwhile, check the guidelines on HAFA, and take your short sale listings, 1 by 1, and call the lenders, and see how many will qualify…very few!!!! I never said that HAFA won’t work, but that it’s not the SAVIOR, as most disempowered agents would like to hope.
Now, I appreciate your comments about $7k and $3k, but if you break them down, especially the last part….”the seller is not going to swing a few deals into the close category???”… that’s actually the disempowered mindset we are working to chase out of people. Why, if you run a business of short sales, would you hope to rely on a government program to ‘swing’ a few deals closed for you. Close them anyways.
Lastly, and most importantly, NO, I WILL NOT EVER EVER EVER EVER stop using biblical references for real estate. My belief is that real estate is a foundational vehicle of purpose in the lives of all men, and ordained by God. And, I believe the bible to be the most relevant and cutting edge business book in the world. Your religion reference I do not understand, as I consider religiion to be weapon of mass destruction, and God doesn’t practice religion, people do. So, that being said, suck it up and enjoy the videos, and just know deep down, the biblical references will not stop. But, they are, if you are open, a great opportunity to learn!
Thanks for the video. I shared this news yesterday at a luncheon in which many told me HAFA is the next step to “stop these foreclosures.” I explained to the group why HAFA is NOT going to work and named the “giants” who are not participating and watched their shoulders slump. The tail spinning the dog of this administration and the interesting media coverage most people are exposed to is very difficult to experience. So, thanks for the video that states the same, but more entertaining, information I shared yesterday.
Donnie B can bite it! Keep up the good stuff Coach Collard :). PS, still waiting for that call…
DonnieB: You are sort of right. The Bible isn’t crap… Religion is CRAP.
Coach: I am glad Coach pointed out the difference.
And to that point. It isn’t about Religion – it is about Relationship with your creator.
Susan: So, after you spoiled everybody’s morning, did they look at you as a short sale master??? I hope you just acted like you knew all this info… I always do that… Watch SSPH then act like I knew it all… 😉
Wow .. Derek Gilbert…
Bite it?
Is that a “Christian” response?
Peace Love Dove
Coach Collard, Fred and Kevin, one of the things I like best about these videos (besides being short) is you guys just being who you are and saying what you need to say just as it comes out, no editing, no pre-packaging! I want to be more authentic and I admire you guys for that. Donnie B. . . hang in there and glean what you can and weigh out the rest, there’s some great stuff here! For those of us who understand the biblical references, its giving us a new way of looking at what we do and why we are doing it. Keep up the good work!