HAFA goes live at BofA- Short Sale Power Hour 04/06/10
Fred Weaver of Group 46:10, Arizona’s Premier Short Sale Team called BofA to get the low down on the new HAFA program. You’re going to love it! =)
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About the Authors

Kevin Kauffman & Fred Weaver
Kevin and Fred the founders of Group 46:10. Over the last 10 years Kevin and Fred, and their team have closed tens of millions in real estate all over the country and have created some of the best training for agents in the market. Kevin and Fred are also highly sought after teachers whose work has helped agents all over the country build their own next level real estate business.
This is already a classic…One of my favorite SSPHs ever!
AWESOME! When’s the webinar on Thursday you didn’t say on the video.
Awesome, episode! I laughed so hard when he started listing all the investors that do not participate! hahahahaha that was good…
Katie, if you go to “Events” at the top of the page it is in there.
Wow, so a whole 10% of loans are eligible for HAFA, then take out those not 60 days late and non-owner occ…right? What blood type are they not accepting?
Awesome Job Guys,
I needed some entertainment this morning with my cup of coffee. Can you call them back tomorrow and ask “Which investors are actually participating in HAFA?”
Staggering is all I can say! It will only take them 4 months to tell you no. Big shout out to the Federal Goverment on this program. This nothing but politics at it’s finest.
So who is participating? LOL. OMG, so typical. You gotta love the marketing and PR effort.
I ran out of room on my sticky note writing the names of the investors who were NOT participating! What a joke. *Only* 4 months?? Where’s the improvement? All this will do is continue the confusion. Currently you are at the luck of the draw whether the support person you reach is able to assist you. Some aren’t able to access equator clients, some aren’t able to access FHA, some can’t access the network at all because their computer is ‘updating’.
Hahaha…..I love you guys!!! A program designed to help struggling homeowners drowning in negative equity or political lip service??? Just how many were helped by the billions of dollars that funded the HAFA program? Let’s face it, if it doesn’t suit the lender, we can expect more of the same ole’ same ole’. As Forest Gump says, “that’s all I have to say bout that”.
Can you say OUTBACK? I love it.
So what I got was that NONE of the Govt investors are participating in HAFA, a government program…hmmmmm……
Love today’s feedback guys! Please share today’s video with EVERYONE you know. I think more people need to know what’s really going on not what the government is telling them, what the media article they read said, OR what CDPE is advertising!
This video is priceless! Do they not realize the stupidity of their words and actions…
I spoke with a top negotiator that I have dealt with several times last Friday and asked her what was her take on HAFA and if they are ready to put it up… She told me that all she had heard about it was from TV – that nothing had been presented to her inside her company. She informed me that I probably knew more than she did…. well duh…
I was just having that same thought Keith! All the Gov backed loans are not participating in this gov backed program. Go figure???
You guys are great…Thanks for the valuable information!
Janet Nelson
Dallas, TX Realtor
Aurora is the on Short sale lender that doesn’t do my short sales in under 4 months, everyone else gets them done in under 4 months. That’s not 4 months to close, that’s a typical 4 months to get an approval letter. Blah, Blah, Blah!
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