Our short sale specialists, Kevin Kauffman and Fred Weaver decide to start their own short sale certification – Amazing Short Seller. Jump over to our FaceBook fan page and get your Amazing Short Seller certification today! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Amazing-Short-Seller/131059743574218

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Kevin and Fred, Short Sale Experts, remind us all that nothing is ever what it seems… Question everything. Play detective! Reminder: Training in Florida this coming week – http://events-fl.shortsalepowerhour.com/ P.S. We are almost finished expanding our “Next Level Short Sale Training” class that will blow away any CDPE class you have taken.  It is 10…

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Short Sale Specialist, Coach Collard and Fred Weaver (with special cameo by Kevin Kauffman) wax philosophical about short sale certifications. Don’t mistake certifications for experience. Special NOTE: Group 46:10 is 100% for education!  This isn’t a anti-education video.  It is a pro-experience video. Side NOTE: http://www.facebook.com/BodyForLifeAZ

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