Leann is well versed in national Real Estate Team Expansion. She led a successful real estate team into 27 locations, managed operations implementing systems and procedures, and wrote the onboarding manual for new agents. Leann is an inspirational instructor who brings great insight as well as practical application to her classes. She also has a…

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 http://shortsalepowerhour.com Fred and Kevin discuss the lack of education in the short sale world. There are too many people that just don’t know what they are doing with short sales.

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http://kevinandfred.com/ Kevin and Fred discuss formal education vs. “education” There are lots of places to get educated, both within your real estate business and outside of your real estate business. Check out the Klemmer & Associates Event. Check out KW Family Reunion. Don’t Forget About That Discount Code to Purchase a Ticket To the SINGLE…

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Short Sale Specialist, Coach Collard and Fred Weaver (with special cameo by Kevin Kauffman) wax philosophical about short sale certifications. Don’t mistake certifications for experience. Special NOTE: Group 46:10 is 100% for education!  This isn’t a anti-education video.  It is a pro-experience video. Side NOTE: http://www.facebook.com/BodyForLifeAZ

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