Fred is BACK and he’s got announcements. Lots of great opportunities to improve your short sale business in the next few weeks. Sign up for that FREE Rain Storm Event For More Info on Kevin & Fred at the KW Family Reunion with Short Sale Mastery: Success is entirely up to you!

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Kevin and Fred talk about the bank’s illogical-ness.  Why, oh why, do banks do what they do? Just suspend your reason to know and work in their crazy system, because all that matters is results.

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Fred Weaver and Kevin Kauffman talk about escalation and when you should do it… You need to do it prior to doing it… Say what??? Yep, escalate before you need it – meaning gather all the contact info prior to hitting a brick wall. Keep rocking Jeff –

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Kevin and Fred define escalation so that you know what it is and how to do it. Don’t let the bank put you into an escalation worm hole of death. Remember, escalate to someone of HIGHER authority – maybe not POTUS – but higher.

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