Video Can Save You Time and Change Your Positioning To Help You Close More Deals
Time is one of the greatest obstacles we need to overcome as Realtors. We’ve talked about it before, but it bears repeating. Sometimes you’ll work with a lead for a few weeks before closing the deal, and sometimes you’ll have to wait upwards of 18 months. How can video help? Well, I’m glad you asked =)
Being too busy, not having enough time to meet, putting phone calls off until later – these are all objections that we’ll face.
So, how can you over time the challenge? With video of course.
Video creates a personal connection that you can’t get through emails or even phone calls. When another person is seeing your face and hearing your voice, they’ll develop a familiarity that will make them feel like they know you. It’s the same reason we feel a connection to celebrities after seeing them on screen. We can use this psychological connection to overcome objections and move leads on to the next step in their customer journey.
Here’s our challenge to you. Make 2 videos each day for the next 7 days.
That might seem like a lot (especially when you realize we’re asking you to make videos on the weekend) but it’s faster and easier than you might think. This challenge will help you see how simple and effective adding video to your strategy can be and will hopefully make video creation a habit that you’ll stick with when the 7 days are up.
Use some of these ideas as a jumping off point.
- After a good talk with a lead, follow up with a video. Make it short, less than 30 seconds, say thank you for the conversation, and let them know you’re looking forward to getting together in person soon.
- When you already have an appointment set up, send a video before you meet. 24 hours beforehand, send a video to remind your lead about the meeting time and location.
- Look up old leads and bring them back to life. Send a video to thank them for checking out your website and ask them if they have any thoughts about what you could be doing to make your service better.
- Send a Facebook video birthday message. Who doesn’t love getting a birthday message?
- Stay on Facebook and look at your Friendiversaries. Yes, they’re a thing. Send a video to say thank you for being a friend. It’s a great way to reconnect with someone you haven’t talked to in a while.
- Send more personal friend requests with a video message. When Facebook suggests a friend suggestion for a lead, help them put a face to your name by sending a quick video. You’ll create an instant connection.
- Respond to Facebook posts with a more personal message in video form. Rather than commenting on photos, send videos to let people know you’re seeing what they’re posting.
- Who needs a reason? Send a video to someone just to say hi. Make it goofy. Make it fun. Make it personal.
- Respond to z buyer leads with a video rather than another generic message. These leads are probably getting bombarded with phone calls and emails. Make your message stand out by making it a video.
- Reach out to past clients. Get back in touch with people you sold to years ago, just to check in. Tell them how long it’s been since you worked together and ask them how they’re doing.
It might be uncomfortable at first, but it’s not complicated. Make a video and make a personal connection. The time and effort will help you to sell more houses and achieve more success as a realtor.
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About the Authors

Kevin Kauffman & Fred Weaver
Kevin and Fred the founders of Group 46:10. Over the last 10 years Kevin and Fred, and their team have closed tens of millions in real estate all over the country and have created some of the best training for agents in the market. Kevin and Fred are also highly sought after teachers whose work has helped agents all over the country build their own next level real estate business.