Dustin Brohm On Doing Business Your Way & Leaning Into What You Love to do to Generate Leads
A conversation that’s largely neglected in our industry, but is so important to agents is that there are infinitely different ways to grow a business. So many agents force themselves into a business model because it’s what their broker, mentor or peers do, and the result is frustration, a lack of fulfillment or the lack of consistency that leads to bad results.
The truth is: Our lead generation doesn’t just need to be outbound, we can be successful by choosing to do business a little differently, employing more creativity to inbound lead generation methods, and becoming a master of how you drive your own business.
Dustin Brohm is a man who has built his business on this from the ground up on this idea. After trying to take the beaten path, he made his own course by marrying content marketing and real estate. He has inspired agents by giving them permission to do business their way. What was his journey, and the mental shifts he made to get to where he is now?
Dustin recently told me his story and tracks the journey from the first blog posts and videos to a highly successful podcast and coaching business.
5 Things We Learned from Dustin Brohm
“One of the things that’s great about real estate is that there are so many ways to bring in business”
There are different ways that you can attract clients, you just need to be open to it and put in the work. Find the thing that you can do, what you’re willing to do at nauseum day in and out to build your business.
“If you do the right things long enough they will just start to work.”
If you’re going to put out content, that’s only step 1. You need to get people to know your content exists, you need to get traffic to it and promote it, and the truth is the validation and the results won’t happen immediately. You’re not going to have consistent income with anything until you do constant activity for 6-9 months.
“Lean into something you enjoy doing. You’ll never do the work long enough to see success if you hate it.”
You can never stick with something long enough and consistently enough if you hate doing it or you suck at it. You’ll never be able to stick with it long enough for you to actually see the results.
“Podcasts are a powerful medium for getting the attention you want”
There are 650 million active blogs in the whole world, while there are still less than a million podcasts on Apple Podcasts, and only 250 000 of these podcasts have released an episode in the last 90 days. There’s still a lot of opportunity on podcasts, to start our own, to get interviewed and even to advertise on them. The key is really dialing in what the show is about and who the audience is. If we get the topic right, that does the heavy lifting for us.
“Short term intensity will always lose to the long term consistency”
Pick something you can be consistent with over a long period of time. Your skill level goes up when you’re consistent with what you’re doing.
To listen to our conversation in full use the link below…
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About the Authors

Kevin Kauffman & Fred Weaver
Kevin and Fred the founders of Group 46:10. Over the last 10 years Kevin and Fred, and their team have closed tens of millions in real estate all over the country and have created some of the best training for agents in the market. Kevin and Fred are also highly sought after teachers whose work has helped agents all over the country build their own next level real estate business.