Creating multiple revenue streams can not only help agents weather today’s financially stressful climate but also grow their personal net worth. Here are four rules to diversifying your team’s income I’ve always heard, or at least thought, that the quickest way to becoming wealthy is not necessarily by having a high-paying job or even a…

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Thinking back to some of the guests I’ve had on the show and lessons I’ve learned, my conversation with Dean Jackson about referrals came to mind, and I thought it would be worth revisiting. Many agents believe getting referrals is a matter of luck, and waiting for factors that aren’t in your control to align. …

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A few weeks ago my team and I signed up for a class with Reger Coaching and Consulting and I have to say its been nothing short of awesome. Below are some of my notes from the 2nd of 6 sessions. Don’t create a belief system that stops you from taking action.  In a market…

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The coronavirus has already significantly affected the economy, and chances are, it’ll have an impact on your team, too. Here are a few things you can do to get your financial commitments in shape, adapt your team and soften the blow Change isn’t easy. In fact, sometimes it can be downright unpleasant.  However, in uncertain…

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