Short Sale Agents, Kevin and Fred, go over the HUD and why you should over estimate the fees to help you negotiate. Remember, if you under estimate – it comes out of your commission.
Read MoreKevin and Fred drive home this point – only talk to your negotiator about Net Proceeds and nothing else. NET Proceeds!!!!
Read MoreKevin and Fred talk about the only thing that matters to the bank in a short sale – net proceeds. Stop talking about purchase price. Just stop it!
Read MoreKevin and Fred are fed up with banks trying to get more money even when the bank and buyer agree on the how much the house is worth. Why fight when we all agree? Mr. Negotiator – Keeping your cards so close to the vest causes you to loose more money, not collect more. Fair…
Read MoreKevin and Fred, short sale specialists, go over bank counter offers and what the different kinds are – and how to tell the difference. Remember: get the BPO!
Read MoreFred Weaver and Coach Collard read from Page 91 of The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, by Gary Keller. What is the difference between rules and strategy?
Read MoreOur short sale specialists, Kevin Kauffman and Fred Weaver decide to start their own short sale certification – Amazing Short Seller. Jump over to our FaceBook fan page and get your Amazing Short Seller certification today!
Read MoreFred Weaver and Kevin Kauffman talk about straw offers or fake offers and why you shouldn’t submit them to the bank. Also, Matt Vernon – you got some guts standing in front of 1000+ agents and taking questions. Keep it up.
Read MoreFred Weaver and Kevin Kauffman talk about escalation and when you should do it… You need to do it prior to doing it… Say what??? Yep, escalate before you need it – meaning gather all the contact info prior to hitting a brick wall. Keep rocking Jeff –
Read MoreKevin and Fred define escalation so that you know what it is and how to do it. Don’t let the bank put you into an escalation worm hole of death. Remember, escalate to someone of HIGHER authority – maybe not POTUS – but higher.
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About the Authors

Kevin Kauffman & Fred Weaver
Kevin and Fred the founders of Group 46:10. Over the last 10 years Kevin and Fred, and their team have closed tens of millions in real estate all over the country and have created some of the best training for agents in the market. Kevin and Fred are also highly sought after teachers whose work has helped agents all over the country build their own next level real estate business.