Fred Weaver and Kevin Kauffman, Short Sale Negotiators, talk about why they do what they do.  Once you make a commitment to a home own, never take ‘no.’ As a short sale negotiator your client, the home owner, is relying on you in one of the most difficult times in their life.  You absolutely, positively,…

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Fred Weaver of Group 46:10 – Short Sale Realtors – and Coach Collard talk about the first curveball in baseball history. Just because a negotiating technique is new doesn’t make it wrong.  Oh yeah, Coach and Fred do look really cozy. Check out the Audio/Video package that Fred mentions in the episode.

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Nick Cameron shows us why banks love the “Big Ticket” (luxury) short sales.  Why?  It is all in the percentages. “Don’t be lazy!  Get up and go to work!” For all of you wondering…  Why Willie Mays?  Nick Cameron is a Giants fan and is the “30 under 30” club.  Willie Mays is a Giant…

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